day finder When is Daylight Savings in 2015? day finder
  • Spring Forward: The clocks are set ahead one hour during Spring Forward. In 2015, this occurs on Sunday, March 8.

  • Fall Back: The clocks are set back one hour during Fall Back. In 2015, this occurs on Sunday, November 1.

day finder What is Daylight Savings? day finder

Daylight Savings Time, or DST, begins on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November.  In March, you should expect to move your clock forward one hour for Spring Forward from 2am standard time to 3am DST, and in November, clocks are moved back one hour from 2am DST to 1am standard time.  The phrase "spring forward, fall back" is a helpful reminder of these time changes. 

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13 What Do You Think About Daylight Savings 2015?
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Jeff says: November 2, 2015

DST - Is as useless as DHS and TSA. They simply want you to OBEY !

Kathleen says: September 12, 2015

Should keep it the same all the .Just change 1/2 hour and leave it.

Tom says: May 25, 2015

I believe the correct term is "Daylight Saving Time". In other words, no "s" after "saving"

ernie says: March 7, 2015

only the goverment would cut off the top of a blanket and sew it on the bottom and think they would have a longer blanket.

time as usual says: March 4, 2015

Its all mind over time still get up at time specified by your time keeper there's really all in your head ...doesnt save anything ,,,,its up you go ...and return by the same time as before e.g..what are you saving ? not sleep!!!!!

Danny says: March 2, 2015

I live in northern Indiana. Our state used to not recognize DST. Unfortunately, our current governor decided we needed to go with the rest of the flawed country. Now I live in EST, but ten miles away I have family that also live in Indiana, but are on CST. Daylight Saving Time is stupid and the whole state of Indiana should at least be on the same time zone.

Nonya says: March 1, 2015

The days are not longer because of daylight savings! It all depends on when you get up in the morning.

Bella 1212 says: February 18, 2015

i wish that daylight savings could be all year long. Everyone benefits from the time of daylight being longer. I still don't understand why we cannot keep it this way the entire year.

Daylight Girl says: January 20, 2015

I love daylight savings time wish it would stay that way all year. Love the longer days to be outside in the light.

El Diablo says: January 6, 2015

better than it was; shouldn't exist at all.

Oso Blanco 65 says: November 4, 2014

I have homes in both New Mexico and Arizona. I hate Daylight Savings. If a business wants to adopt summer hours, they can do so without Federal help. Leave the time alone!!!!!!!!!!