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The date of D-Day in 2015 is on Saturday, June 6th.

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D-Day on June 6th commemorates the landing of 160,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy, France in 1944. It was a significant victory in the effort to gain entry into Europe and finally face down the Nazi forces. The landing in Normandy was enabled by the support of over 5,000 vessels and 13,000 aircraft. More than 4,000 Allied soldiers perished and about 6,000 more were wounded during the assault. But over 100,000 troops were able to take and hold the beach. By the end of June, hundreds of thousands more followed and began the long journey across Europe to put an end to the war. Today, D-Day is remembered with ceremonies, firework displays, concerts, parachute drops, reenactments, historical tours, memorials, and peace walks. 

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