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The date of Buy Nothing Day in 2015 is on Friday, November 27th. 

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International Buy Nothing Day (BND) is a worldwide day when consumers put down their credit cards and close their wallets. In the U.S., this day falls on the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving (the same day as Black Friday). This revolt against shopping was created by a Canadian artist, Ted Dave, in 1992 and promoted by the anti-consumerism magazine Adbusters. In 2000, Adbusters tried to buy anti-advertising time to encourage people not to shop. Almost every major TV network refused to run these ads!

In celebration of Buy Nothing Day, people are encouraged to engage in no-cost activities like hiking or donating used clothing to charities. Participants in Buy Nothing Day may cut up their credit cards, stage sit-ins at local malls, or engage in other peaceful activities to disrupt the overconsumption of the holiday shopping season. For example, fans of BND may create a moving conga line of empty shopping carts that travels around and around a store with no one buying anything.

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