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The 2015 Turkey Run begins on Thursday, November 26th and ends on Sunday, November 29th.

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The Daytona Turkey Run is a massive car show and swap meet held every fall at the Daytona International Speedway the weekend of Thanksgiving. Over 1,000 swap meet vendors bring more than 6,000 cars and trucks to exhibit and sell at the event. Enthusiasts can find race cars as well as classic, vintage, and muscle cars at the meet. The Turkey Run was founded in 1974 when the president of a Daytona car club was denied entry to a local parade (since no cars with modifications were allowed). Today, this event is the largest of its kind in the United States and has donated millions of dollars to non-profit organizations and local programs in the community. The Turkey Trot features a Car Corral where proud vehicle owners can display their favorite cars and there are many art, craft, and food vendors on-site. 

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