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The date of Pi Day in 2015 is on Saturday, March 14th. 

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First known to be celebrated in 1988, Pi Day is an unofficial annual holiday that commemorates the mathmatical constant of Pi, which is commonly displayed as 3.14 in decimal form. As a result, the special day is celebrated on March 14th, a.k.a. 3/14. In 2009, even the U.S. House of Representatives acknowledged and supported a nationally recognized Pi Day with a bon-binding resolution. 

The first record of a wide Pi Day Celebration was in 1988 by Larry Shaw at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, California, where Shaw was working at the time as a physicist. The celebrations that first year included guests and staff eating pie while walking around the Exploratorium, which they still do every year on March 14th. Other Pi Day activities include, but are not limited to, making pie, eating pie, pie food fights, and having in depth discussions regarding the importance of Pi. Some events even include a competition to see what participant can recite Pi to the greatest number of decimal places. 

Fun facts:


  • For several years, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, commonly referred to as MIT, is known to mail out its application acceptance or denial letters out to be delivered on Pi Day
  • Albert Einstein's Birthday is also March 14th
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