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The 2015 Wine Day is on Monday, May 25th. 

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National "Drink Wine Day" falls on February 18, while "Wine Day" is celebrated on May 25th each year. In fact, it's a little hard to remember the exact date after a glass or two of cabernet! Wine Day is a fabulous opportunity to learn about the history and significance of wine. This flavorful, aromatic beverage dates back to at least 4100 B.C., the age of the oldest known winery (in Armenia). The Greeks and Romans took the cultivation of grapes and the production of fine wine to new heights a few thousand years ago. Today, wine is enjoyed throughout the world-and red wine in particular is touted for its health benefits. To celebrate Wine Day, you might attend a wine tasting event at a local winery, give wine as gifts, knit a wine bottle cozy, or just go stomp some grapes.


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