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The 2015 Mole Day is on Friday, October 23rd. 

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Mole Day, like Pi Day and E-Day, is an unofficial celebration of a number that has great significance in the mathematical and scientific community. The term "mole" refers to a unit of mass, measured in grams, for a given molecule. For example, nitrogen has a molar mass of 28. The number of atoms or molecules in a 28 gram mass of nitrogen is found using a formula called Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 1023). 

Mole Day is focused on commemorating this measuring unit used in chemistry. Since the 1990s, educational institutions across the English speaking world have featured chemistry-related activities on this day to increase interest in science and mathematics. The celebration runs from 6:02 AM to 6:02 PM on 10/23 each year. Jokes, puns, and cartoons about moles (the burrowing animal) are a common source of hilarity on this day.

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