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The 2015 Darwin Day is on Thursday, February 12th. 

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Darwin Day is a semi-official commemoration of the birth of explorer and scientist Charles Darwin. Darwin's life spanned February 12, 1809 to April 19, 1882. During his long career, Darwin developed and popularized the theory of evolution. His most widely recognized work is "On the Origin of Species", in which he proposed the idea that life evolves and adapts to environmental stressors through the process of natural selection by reproduction and genetic mutation.

Darwin has long been celebrated for his contributions to science and rational thought. The first major event to recognize Darwin's life was hosted in Cambridge in 1909 (the centennial of Darwin's birth) and hosted over 400 scientists and high-level dignitaries from around the world. Salem State College in Massachusetts began holding a "Darwin Festival" in 1980, which still runs annually today. Humanist groups and various universities around the world host local events to celebrate the day with lively debates and educational conventions.

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