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The date of National Sibling Day in 2015 is on Friday, April 10th. 

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First officially recognized in 1998, National Siblings Day has been celebrated on the 10th of April. The special day celebrates the strong relationships and bonds between siblings. Unlike Fathers' and Mothers' Day, Siblings Day is not ferally recognized but thirty-nine states have officially recognized the secular holiday within their state. 

National Sibling Day was created by a lady named Claudia Evart, who used the day to celebrate and remember the memory of her brother and sister, both of whom had passed away as children. She incorporated the day in 1997 and was able to achieve non-profit status two years later. Carolyn Maloney, a United States Representative from New York, is credited with introducing sibling day into the official Congressional Record of the U.S. Congress on April 6th, 2005. 

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