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The date of World Environment Day in 2015 is on Friday, June 5th. 

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Of all the issues that have their own awareness and action day, none is more global than World Environment Day (WED). After all, this is the only planet we’ve got! The United Nations General Assembly established WED in 1972 when the Conference on the Human Environment started. Each year, the UN’s celebration has a different theme and is hosted in a different location. For example, the theme for 2014 was “Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level.” The main WED event was hosted in Barbados, one of the smallest independent island nations and a country that is threatened by rising sea levels.

The following year, the theme selected was, “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.” It highlighted the fact that humans, as a species, are consuming natural resources at an unsustainable pace. Individuals as well as nations are asked to step up and take action to protect the environment on World Environment Day. Examples might include a beach cleanup day, a community recycling event, educational seminars about “going green”, and fundraising to support environmental sustainability initiatives.

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