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The 2014 Chicago Marathon is scheduled for Sunday, October 12th. Date to be confirmed. 

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Founded in 1977, the Chicago Marathon is a major annual marathon held every year in Chicago; specifically Cook County, Illinois, United States. Originally named the Mayor Daley Marathon, the number of racers has grown from 4,200 to over 37,000 entrants every year. The Chicago Marathon is one of the fastest growing marathons in the world as a result of its relatively fast and flat course that allows runners to try for personal records and even the possibility of breaking the world record. 

The Chicago Marathon has reached an elite status because of the impressive sponsors that lure the world's top runners to the marathon by offering prize money to the top finishers. Currently, the Chicago Marathon is sponsored by the Bank of America. 

There are no qualifications or requirements to be able to participate in the Chicago Marathon. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis with the number of entrants capped at 45,000. In recent times, more and more charities are using the Chicago Marathon as a means of fund raising through sponsored participation. 


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