day finder When is UFORIA Music Festival in 2016? day finder

The date of the 2016 UFORIA Music Festival is not yet specified but it will likely occur in August, 2016. 

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The Uforia Music Festival is a rebranded version of the H2O Music Festival in Los Angeles. In 2014, this one-day event was held at Exposition Park and featured a lineup of more than a dozen artists including Kid Cudi, Ludacris, and Chachi Gonzalez. The festival is known for embracing a wide variety of genres from rock and hip-hop to alternative, Mexican, pop, and electronic. Overall, Uforia has a Latin feel and is intended to celebrate the culture and the broad range of musical styles enjoyed by the Latin community. With about 15 acts appearing on 2 stages, this event has been described as more of all-day concert than a festival. The producers are known for mixing genres freely within the lineup, sandwiching hip-hop acts between Latin bands for a very diverse experience. It's uncertain whether the festival will return in upcoming years. 


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