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The date of Raksha Bandhan in 2016 is on Thursday, August 18th. 

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Raksha Bandhan, or Rakhi, is a Hindu celebration of the strong bond and unconditional love between brothers and sisters. It also serves as a time in which it is common to celebrate brother-sister like relationships between men and women who are not immediate family or who are not biologically related. This special times is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, as well as many Sikhs. Many sisters wrap a sacred thread, known as rakhi, around their brother's wrists. This bracelet is a symbol of the sister's love for her brother and a symbol of the brother's vow to protect his sister. Rakhi serves as an occasion for the family to unite and exchange gifts with one another.

Raksha Bandham 2016, literally meaning "the tie or knot of protection" in Sanskrit, occurs on the "Sharvan Poornima" full moon of the Shravan month as part of the Hinuo lunisolar calendar. This date is typically in the month of August. 

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