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The date of Vaisakhi in 2016 is on Wednesday, April 13th. 

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Vaisakhi, also commonly referred to as as Baisakhi, is a major festival that mostly ocurrs across the northern section of the Indian subcontinent. It is especially popular amonst the Sikh community in the Punjab region. Recently, this special event has become increasingly popular around the globe among Sikh diaspora, which is the name given to the migration of the modern Punjabi. 

The Vaisakhi 2015 festival in itself celebrates and commemorates the establishment of the Khalsa, which is the collective body of all initiated Sikhs. They are represented by Panj Pyare, the five beloved ones, and are typically called the Guru Panth (the embodiment of the Guru). 

Around the glove, Vaisakhi is celebrated by Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists. This special time also signals the beginning of the harvest season and is sometimes regarded as a harvest festival. 

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