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in 2013, the Country Music Association Awards Show is on Wednesday, November 13th. 

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The Country Music Association Awards, commonly referred to as the CMA Awards or simply the CMA's, is an annual country music awards ceremony voted on by members of the Country Music Association. The original Country music Association Awards Show was hosted in Nashville in 1967 at the Municipal Auditorium. The CMA's were not broadcoasted live until 1969 by NBC and continued on the NBC network until 1972 when they transfered to CBS until 2005, when the CMA's then transferred to ABC. 

The Country Music Association Awards have been hosted in Nashville every year except 2005, when they were hosted at Madison Square Garden in New York City. 

The annual Country Music Association Awards celebrates the outstanding achievements made in country music every year. There are a total of twelve categories including entertainer, male vocalist, female vocalist, new artist, vocal group (since 1970), voal duo, single, almbum, song, musical event, music video (since 1985), and musician. 

The CMA's also include special performances by some of the top country music performers and up-and-coming new artists. 

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