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Anthrocon in 2014 runs from Thursday, July 3rd through Sunday, July 6th. The theme is "Secret Societies"

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Founded in 1997, Anthrocon, referred to AC for short, is the biggest furry convention in the world that takes place every year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. A furry convention, also called a furry con or a fur con, is a large formal gathering of members from the furry fandom, which is made up of individuals who are interested in the general concept of fictional non-human characters that feature human characteristics. People attend Anthrocon to meet, exchange ideas, complete business transactions, and engage in various forms of entertainment and recreation that center around furry fandom. 

Anthrocon was founded in 1997 and originally held in New York but moved to Pennsylvania in 1999 as attendance grew from 500+ attendees in the first year to over 5,000 people annually. 

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